Wish for Vacantion
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Wish for Vacantion

un loc unde te poti relaxa chiar daca vacanta s-a terminat
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 Just watching some movies in the middle of the night.

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2 participanți
Lee Mi-Seng

Lee Mi-Seng

Mesaje : 2
Data de înscriere : 10/04/2010

Just watching some movies in the middle of the night. Empty
MesajSubiect: Just watching some movies in the middle of the night.   Just watching some movies in the middle of the night. Icon_minitimeDum Apr 11, 2010 3:25 pm

Eram plictisit de moarte, iar cand sunt plctisit de moarte, n-am chef de nimic. Mi-am zis sa dau ture prin cabana, in timp ce ceilalti dormeau, sa vad ce si cum. In final m-am oprit in sufragerie. Era o camera frumoasa. Chiar imi placea. M-am asezat pe canapea si am aprins TV-ul. Nu imi placea sa ma uit la TV pentu ca nu gaseai nimic bun, dar in seara aceea, norocul a fost de partea mea. Am gasit un film bun de aventura si m-m uitat la el.
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Rain Lee.

Rain Lee.

Mesaje : 6
Data de înscriere : 10/04/2010

Just watching some movies in the middle of the night. Empty
MesajSubiect: Re: Just watching some movies in the middle of the night.   Just watching some movies in the middle of the night. Icon_minitimeDum Apr 11, 2010 3:28 pm

Avand iar insomnii,am inceput sa bantui cabana. Asa,cum ma plimbam eu,am auzit niste voci din sufragerie.Curioasa de fel,m-am dus sa vad ce se intampla.Cand am ajuns,l-am vazut pe un tip care statea pe canapea privind la tv.
-Buna~! I-am zis,indreptandu`ma spre el.
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Lee Mi-Seng

Lee Mi-Seng

Mesaje : 2
Data de înscriere : 10/04/2010

Just watching some movies in the middle of the night. Empty
MesajSubiect: Re: Just watching some movies in the middle of the night.   Just watching some movies in the middle of the night. Icon_minitimeDum Apr 11, 2010 4:44 pm

Nici macar nu auzisem usa cand s-a deschis, dar am auzit o voce salutandu-ma. Mi-am intors capul pentur a vedea cine ma salutase. E o fata.
-Buna, i-am zis si eu. Ce faci? am intrebat-o zambind.
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Rain Lee.

Rain Lee.

Mesaje : 6
Data de înscriere : 10/04/2010

Just watching some movies in the middle of the night. Empty
MesajSubiect: Re: Just watching some movies in the middle of the night.   Just watching some movies in the middle of the night. Icon_minitimeDum Apr 11, 2010 5:21 pm

-Nu pot dormi si am auzit niste voci.Se pare ca de la tv veneau. M-am asezat langa el si am intins mana. Rain,incantata!Poti sa`mi zici Yakora sau Rainy,cum vrei.
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Just watching some movies in the middle of the night. Empty
MesajSubiect: Re: Just watching some movies in the middle of the night.   Just watching some movies in the middle of the night. Icon_minitime

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Just watching some movies in the middle of the night.
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